Nov 3, 2014

Escape the Mansion Guide Level 211 212 213 214 215

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Escape the Mansion Level 211 Solution
Slide each closet door to the right, left, down, and to top at the start of the largest door
Take a key in the smallest door, then use the key to open the door

Escape the Mansion Level 211 212 213 214 215 Solution

Escape the Mansion Level 211 212 Cheats

Escape the Mansion Level 212 Guide
Tilt your phone to the left 5 seconds, then tilt your phone 5 seconds to the right, tilt it to the left, tilt it to the right and so on until the door rises to the top

Level 213 on Game Escape the Mansion Guide

Change all zeros into:
Left = 7
Middle = 15
Right = 25

Level 214 Solution
Press the green button on the left, notice every movement of chess pieces
Press the box on the right, then press the number 19289

Escape the Mansion Level 211 212 213 214 215 Solve

Escape the Mansion Level 215 Hints

Level 215 Walkthrough
Slide each square in the correct order, then pull the key into the gap on the right
Now continue to the Level 216 217 218 219 220 Solution
Or back to Level 206 207 208 209 210 on Escape the Mansion Guide

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