Sep 2, 2014

Escape the Mansion Guide Level 186 187 188 189 190

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Escape the Mansion Level 186 Solution
Pull the iron curved slightly upward so that it touches a bike
Press and hold the bike so that it moves to the top of the door
Pull the bottom of the curved iron
Rotate your phone upside down, then press and hold the bike so that it moves to the left

Escape the Mansion Level 186 187 188 189 190 HInts

Escape the Mansion Level 186 187 Cheats

Escape the Mansion Level 187 Guide
Note the number at the top of the door
What is the roman numeral?
The answer: 7 5 10 5 9 1 3 2 1 5

Level 188 Solution
What is 10 - the number of rods on the wheels?
Press each wheel according to the results of reduction, ranging from the number of its smallest.
Right top: 10-8 = 2 times
Bottom left: 10-6 = 4 times
Left top: 10-4 = 6 times
Bottom right: 10-2 = 8 times

Level 189 on Game Escape the Mansion Guide

See the color of light that appears at the top of the table
Press each balloon color matches the color of the light
Press each color balloon 5 times in a row: Red 5 times, blue 5 times, (red + yellow) = green 5 times

Level 190 Walkthrough
Press each box so that all the boxes containing balls
Now continue to the Level 191 192 193 194 195 Solution
Or back to Level 181 182 183 184 185 on Escape the Mansion Guide

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