Sep 2, 2014

Escape the Mansion Guide Level 181 182 183 184 185

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Escape the Mansion Level 181 Solution
Shake your phone so that the zipper head falling down
Take the zipper head, then place it at the top of the zipper
Pull the zipper head to the bottom, then slide the curtain to the left and right

Escape the Mansion Level 181 182 183 184 185 Solution

Escape the Mansion Level 181 182 Hints

Escape the Mansion Level 182 Guide
Press each painting on the left and right in the correct order, so that each painting will move to the middle
Press the paintings in the following order: Fire, Pot, Water, Steam
And will show the number 8972 on steam
Press box at the top of the door, then press the number 8972

Level 183 Solution
When a ghost appears from the door, quickly press 4 gray circle with a repetitive sequence: Left, right, up, down, and the door will open

Level 184 on Game Escape the Mansion Guide

Slide each rectangle to the left and right to match the shape

Level 185 Walkthrough
Drag the ball to the left and right, so that all the holes disappear
Now continue to the Level 186 187 188 189 190 Solution
Or back to Level 176 177 178 179 180 on Escape the Mansion Guide

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