Jul 31, 2014

Escape the Mansion Guide Level 171 172 173 174 175

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Escape the Mansion Level 171 Solution
See the direction of the arrow on the right as a guide
Press a hammer to pick it up, then use a hammer to hit the door a few times so it will look 5 forms tetris
Press each Tetris shape in the box, in accordance with the order at the door

Escape the Mansion Level 171 172 173 174 175 Solution

Escape the Mansion Level 172 173 Cheats

Escape the Mansion Level 172 Guide
Pull the four objects on the floor for hanging to the top of the door

Escape the Mansion Level 173 Solution
Press the lever on the left to rotate the circle
Do what is seen in the circle, so that all the lights in rectangular lit

Level 174 on Game Escape the Mansion Guide

Take the object on the left floor
Press any lights at the top of the door in the correct order so drop some objects
See the shapes / images that appear on the box, and press boxes conform to the shape of objects that will fall
Press the lights and the box with the sequence:
6> box> 1> box> 5> box> box> 1> box> 6> 1> box

Escape the Mansion Level 171 172 173 174 175 Solved

Escape the Mansion Level 175 Hints

Escape the Mansion Level 175 Walkthrough
Press some of the boxes in the correct order so that all the boxes filled balls
Now continue to the Game Escape the Mansion Level 176 177 178 179 180 Solution
Or back to Level 166 167 168 169 170 on Escape the Mansion Guide

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