Jul 30, 2014

Escape the Mansion Guide Level 166 167 168 169 170

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Escape the Mansion Level 166 Solution
Get a spray bottle
Use the bottle to spray the boxes at the top of the door 2 times, then press the switch right next door to see the code in the box
Press the number box to the left of the door, then press the number 7539

Escape the Mansion Level 166 167 168 169 170 Cheats

Escape the Mansion Level 166 167 Hints

Escape the Mansion Level 167 Guide
See the instructions on the box to the left of the closet
Take a tube of red, blue, green on the right in accordance with the number of tubes in the box to the left
Insert each tube one by one into the bottle
Shake your phone, so the color of the water in the bottle turns yellow
Take an empty tube, then insert it into the bottle and use a tube to open the door

Escape the Mansion Level 168 Solution
See the yellow sequence in the door
Take three light bulb in the box
Place the light bulb, one by one, and then press the button on the right to see the color sequence of light
The order of colors of light, according to the order of the color yellow in the door

Level 169 on Game Escape the Mansion Guide

Slide all the locks one by one, so that each box on the left will change
Slide the ball according to the pattern on the box to the left

Escape the Mansion Level 166 167 168 169 170 Solution

Escape the Mansion Level 170 Cheats

Escape the Mansion Level 170 Walkthrough
Slide the ball to the right, left, down and up, so the ball into a hole and the door will open
Now continue to the Game Escape the Mansion Level 171 172 173 174 175 Solution
Or back to Level 161 162 163 164 165 on Escape the Mansion Guide

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